Willa was so excited to take care of our penguin on May 4. She took great care of him, and she named her new friend Finnegan.

Camden did an excellent job taking care of our Penguin on April 30. He creatively named him Camden Jr.

It was Tyler's day to adopt our penguin friend on April 28, 2010. He named him Iceberg and did a great job taking care of him.

MacKenzie was excited to adopt the penguin on April 26, after the Pens great victory on Saturday night!

Rylie had a great time taking care of our penguin friend on Thursday, April 22.

Students on Team Pay Day continue to support Mr. Zimmerman and the Mario Lemieux Foundation. Courtney and Aaron both adopted our penguin for the day on April 20, 2010. Students are excited about the game tonight and they even got to watch a live webcast of Mr. Bluemling raffling off some fun Penguin gear.

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